Meetha Soda 1 Kg میٹھا سوڈا


Meetha Soda, commonly known as baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃), is a versatile compound widely used in cooking, baking, and various household applications. Here’s an overview of its properties, uses, and health benefits.


  • Chemical Composition: Sodium bicarbonate is a white crystalline powder that has a slightly salty and alkaline taste.
  • pH Level: When dissolved in water, it forms an alkaline solution with a pH around 8.3.


Meetha Soda, commonly known as baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃), is a versatile compound widely used in cooking, baking, and various household applications. Here’s an overview of its properties, uses, and health benefits.


  • Chemical Composition: Sodium bicarbonate is a white crystalline powder that has a slightly salty and alkaline taste.
  • pH Level: When dissolved in water, it forms an alkaline solution with a pH around 8.3.


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